Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Race

August 9 - ULCER Bike Race
I only came for the end of this race because it was 111 miles. Yuck! Greg, Ryan, and Brent raced around Utah Lake and pretty much stayed together. They finished in about 6 hours, not including their lunch break. They all said it was as bad as a marathon, but Greg didn't feel as bad the next day. By Monday, he was all geared up for his next race in two weeks.

Ryan was first in, so I missed his finish, but this is him right after.

Gearing down and chowing on Subway sandwiches, fresh fruit, popsicles.


Ty and Jacki Hanks said...

He is crazy! The looked like no fun!

Church Fam said...

that is a long time on a bike, hope they had some extra padding. :) we still need to plan a family trip together, miss you guys.

Heather said...

What the heck Rich's it's not enough just to be a doctor you have to run and bike marathons too. Quit makin' us look so BAD!!! We love you guys! Great Job! (I do just love this spying thing!)

Tavis Johnson said...

exercise for fun??? i'm not so sure i get it but, whatever. just don't forget to take you bike off the van before you drive into the garage.... i hear it happens.

Kathy said...

Greg, your family looks great. Glad to see that you are all doing well. Take care!